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Blog Archive

Thursday 31 December 2015

The first thing on my list of things to do in 2016 is to get a hair cut.
2015 has been a incredible year. Lets hope 2016 is even better.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Its not Christmas until you eat After Eights. definitely my favourite chocolate by far.

Definitely be buying doughnuts from Krispy Kreme again. They're some of the best I've ever had. 

Monday 14 December 2015

Thank you nan for my leather charm bracelet and beads. I wish you were here with us. RIP we love you.

I decided to treat myself to something I've wanted for so long and now I finally get to wear a Pandora bracelet. And I couldn't be happier , now all I need to do is start adding charms. This is definitely one of my favourite pieces of jewellery I've bought.

I recently bought some new rings from Boho Moon jewellery and I'm so impressed with the items I bought. If you're looking for beautiful and affordable boho jewellery then check out Boho Moon. 

P.S the leaf rings is not form the same place. 

check out Boho Moon here: 


If there's one thing I love it has to be Lush bath bombs. They truly are the best. 
My particular favourites are the Intergalactic bath bomb , The floating Island bath oil and Twilight bath bomb. I absolutely  recommend Lush for natural bath products.     

Sunday 29 November 2015

I first went to the Thekla , Bristol  back in March this year and loved it. I would definitely go to another concert here again as travelling up the line can be expensive for concerts..
I have to try out London's Ice bar near Paddington too , it looks amazing.

I'm gonna make it a mission to go to London's Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park next Christmas. It looks so beautiful.
I absolutely love Vivienne  Westwood jewellery. This has to be one of the most beautiful pieces of jewellery I own.
I absolutely hate this cold weather and what's worse is that I think I'm coming down with something. :(   At least I have my new onesie on the way.

Saturday 21 November 2015

The only reason I like winter is so that I can wear my warm jumpers again.

Monday 16 November 2015

They say home is where the heart is.Well that place is Plymouth.   

(Photo taken at Bovy sand beach Plymouth )

Saturday 14 November 2015

Love my two older sisters ❤️πŸ’ƒπŸΌ
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Thursday 12 November 2015

I'm going back to Hertfordshire next year. And hopefully I get more time to spend in London.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

This beautiful Butterfly came into my room this summer s didn't move from that spot for over an hour.
My 21st Birthday cake was so delicious. YUM!
                                         Top picture: Cassie my youngest  Border Collie
                                  Bottom picture: Charlie my oldest Border Collie 

I wish they both could stay this small. I miss you Charlie RIP Boy 

(Thorpe Park  )
I had such incredible day there despite having to get up at 3;30 am to leave for 5 am at the latest .

I'll never forget my first holiday abroad. ( Pictures seen above taken at Portaventura Theme Park  , Salou , Spain )

       DRUZY DREAMS ! 

Another Bohemian Jewellery site I like is called Druzy Dreams. 

They are a UK based  and have some beautiful Jewellery.And I recommend you check them out 

( Photo taken by myself)

I'm not going to write a huge post on here but I've added the website below.

Shop Dixi: 

 Here's why I love shop Dixi. 

  • Their customer service team are friendly 
  • They put their customers first 
  • The jewellery is always so beautiful 
  • They aim to have your order to you as quick as possible   

( Photo taken by myself)

So go check them out and give them some love.   link below: 

This Halloween's monkey piΓ±ata fun ! 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

RIP to my wonderful Nan I miss you. I'll always wear my bracelet you left for me in your memory. Sleep tight Nan I love you.
One last necklace picture in this one I am wearing a feather charm along with a Amethyst crystal point From Druzy Dreams , which they are a great jewellery site for those who like bohemian jewellery. 

I currently have a thing for collecting crystal necklaces. So here's the Lapis Lazuli crystal point necklace from Shop Dixi.

                                                                 Hello I'm Nicole 
                                                           And this is a bit about me. 
I'm a 21 year old from  south west of the  UK. Some things enjoy consist of travelling , going to concerts , shopping and creating new hair styles. I'll be sharing  the things I love  and parts of my life on this blog. Bye for now.

My footwear choice for today.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Just a few hair ideas I've had this year, Time for a new style maybe ?
I miss this night. Take me back to April.

Just a few photos from my trip to London / Hertfordshire with the best girl I know